Tuesday, September 2, 2014


           So, I get a text from my old college roommate, Matt Wilson.  It is simply a link to Facebook.  Keep in mind, I am one of seven people on planet earth not to have a Facebook page.  But I don’t need Facebook.  I know what it is.  The dreaded ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!  And, despite the backlash it’s received for slacktivism, vanity, and wasting water, it has raised an amazing amount of money and awareness for ALS research. 

Anyway, one cold bucket of ice water and a donation later, I see a few things as it relates to marketing small businesses. 

*Disclaimer - And yeah, I know this phenomenon is all but over and everyone has moved on to the next shiny object, however, it takes me this long to digest information and make something useful of it.

1.       MAKE IT ALL ABOUT THE PERSON MAKING THE PURCHASE (OR IN THIS CASE, A DONATION) – Yes, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is supposed to be about raising awareness and money, but in reality, it became as much about the person donating, as it did anything.  This is how you should make your customers feel.  It is not about the features, advantages, and benefits of your product.  It is about the person or business buying from you.  Shower them with public praise, send them a thank you card, and find a way to support them.

2.       IT USED VIDEO - The Ice Bucket Challenge wouldn't have even happened if it used an elevator pitch, memo, or even a fancy photo.  Video has become much easier to create, is more engaging, and video has a much higher engagement rate than anything else.

3.       IT'S FUN AND EASY TO DO - Admit it.  One minute you are watching the Kardashians dump ice water on their heads and then the next minute your preacher is doing the same thing.  A simple and funny activity can get your customer’s attention. And if you can make it easy for them to sign up for your loyalty program or redeem a coupon (no awkward procedures or lengthy forms to fill out), they will follow you even more.

4.       THERE IS SPECIFIC CALL TO ACTION – When Peter Frates got the ball rolling with the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, he didn’t say, “so if you ever need to give a donation, make sure you consider ALS.”  He challenged someone specifically.  If you want customers to buy, tell them what specifically you are offering and give specific steps to make a purchase. 

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